Friday, December 28, 2007

Results from 12/20/2007

I received my results from this month's blood work and they are negative! Yeah again! Each month I worry and expect the worse. I really prepared myself, again, for bad news and God was again faithful to heal my body! These last few days have been a little rough as my due date was January 6th. A friend who was due the same day is going to have her baby any day now and it has made me think about it a lot. I know we are going to be just fine though and that God has a bigger plan that what I can see right now. It has been hard to think that we could be having a baby today! But at the same time I can't imagine having a baby today! Thanks for your continued prayers!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Another appointment

I had another follow up appointment to make sure that the molar has not come back today, and praise God again, everything is still normal. I did talk with my ob again about getting pregnant again and she was pretty firm that we needed to wait until I was cleared on September 1st, 2008. As she put it, you're only 4 months into it now! She asked me if we were ready again which made me think. In a way I feel ready physically, but also terrified of what lies before us. I'm not sure though that I can ever say that I'm ready to get pregnant, that has to be God. Clearly, I do not know what is best, but He does and sees the big picture. So, my appointment was great but also discouraging to be reminded that Sept. 1st is the only time it will be okay to get pregnant.
Another praise is that God has provided me friends. Yesterday two of the women that are in my BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) Group came over with their children and we had a little Christmas party. I was hesitant to attend BSF since I was in a new city, and my fear was this, that I would not meet any young moms if I were to go to BSF. Isn't God amazing, and He does know best! I have met new friends, young moms, through BSF. One of the moms even watched Mali for me while I went to the doctor. Mali also has a friend through this moms daughter. God has been faithful to care for me and bring me under His wing since our move to Amarillo. I certainly miss my friends in Lubbock and they will never be replaced, but after such a short time I can say that I have friends, I don't want to take that for granted.
Thank you again for your prayers!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I came across this quote that I had written down almost a year ago. I think God intended for me to find it today. It has been one of those days that I'm very discouraged by my abilities at...well...everything, especially parenting. Maybe that is the reason for so many posts today!:) So, I wanted to share this quote and hopefully encourage others.

"We are designed to function poorly, to feel overwhelmed and alone apart from our relationship with Jesus. We are made to be lost without God."
Angela Thomas Guffey
from Tender Mercies for a Mothers' Soul (highly recommended this book)