Monday, November 17, 2008


It seems the larger my belly grows, the more Mali is pulling away from me, and to not put it so nicely (but honestly) rejecting me. Part of it is so good and appropriate. I'm thrilled that she is getting to do some fun things with her Daddy and spend more time with him. To be honest though, it has been really really sad. She makes ugly faces at me, sasses me, disobeys me, cuddles only with her daddy, showers with her daddy, only wants daddy to read to her and sing to her at bedtime...the list could go on. Some of it is nice and will be helpful as we make the transition to a baby that needs me to feed it, etc. but I guess I just didn't see it being done so hatefully! Needless to say, the last few weeks have been a little sad, and I've found myself crying more and just missing my baby girl! I'm sure the hormones play a part too, and once life settles down (does that happen?) we will re-establish a close, loving relationship. Change is always hard because it is new and different!


  1. Oh Brie, I'm so sorry. That is so sad and would be so hard! I wonder why she is acting like that? Maybe instinctively she realizes that she's not going to get all of your attention anymore and is preparing for that? Surely at her age she wouldn't be smart enough to realize that, would she? Or maybe she's just bonding more now with Eric because isn't it still his off season, and he's been able to spend more time at home? For whatever the reason, I'm sure it's been very hurtful for you (even though you're happy for Eric and their bond) and I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

  2. Isn't it great to know that the only person who will NEVER reject us is the Lord! Yea for His unconditional love. Dan can relate to the rejection though...I am thinking it is a same-gender issue. I'll be calling you in a couple of years when Claire is big.:)

  3. God is preparing your heart and Mali's, too. Trust in that promise!
