Beth recently wrote this post, and encouraged me to do the same.
My schedule (on good days, the past two days have been bad days, i.e. Eleri waking at 5:37am and then 5:45am today)
6:45am-Wake up, drink coffee and work on my bible study and quiet time. Get dressed if I have time.
7:30-8:00-Girls wake up. I cuddle with them both on the couch for a little bit. Change Eleri’s diaper.
8:30-make breakfast. Feed Eleri yogurt/oatmeal and “encourage” Mali to come eat.
After breakfast and by 9:00am-Eleri dressed, Mali encouraged to get dressed/brush hair/brush teeth. Leave the girls to play “together” while I go get dressed.
9:15ish-do some sort of chore. Cleaning up after breakfast, unloading dishwasher if Eleri isn’t around to climb on it, or starting laundry. Go to Wal-mart on Days we need to.
On THURSDAY-Rush to BSF (Bible Study) until 11am.
10:00-attempts to play/read/spend time with girls and simultaneously clean/pick up. Check mail and maybe spend time outside if the weather is nice like it has been lately.
11:00-lunch time. Get lunch made for girls and eat myself. Enjoy a nice, big glass of Dr. Pepper (or rather Dr. Thunder).
11:50-Tuesday, Weds, Thursday get girls rounded up and in the car.
12:00-leave the house to take Mali to preschool.
12:10-12:15-drop Mali off at preschool. Sometimes take Eric his lunch he has forgotten.
SOMETIMES Eleri falls asleep in the car…this is a problem because she ends up not taking a good enough nap. So….
1-2pm- I clean the house and pick up if Eleri naps. If she doesn’t nap, I spend time trying to play with her and multitasking. We might even spend time outside.
2:45-get Eleri in the car to go to preschool.
3:10-pick up Mali!!!! Come home and give the girls a snack. Spend some time talking to Eric if he happens to come home between school and practice.
3:45-About two days a week, a babysitter will come and I will go see a client until 4:45pm. Also, if Eric has in town games we go to these at 4:00 once a week.
5:00-start making dinner.
5:30-eat dinner. We eat SOOOO early, Eleri would really eat at 4:30 if I would let her.
6:00-right after dinner, I take the girls straight to the bath. I let them play for a while in the bath. After bath, we lotion, dress and brush teeth.
6:30-7:30ish-playing and having fun as a family. If the girls are playing together I might go clean up the kitchen.
7:30-7:45-rock Eleri to sleep.
8:00-Spend time with Mali cuddling on the couch or helping her pick up her room.
8:30-Read books to Mali and then it is Mali’s bedtime.
8:45-9:00-clean up the kitchen. I “shine my sink” and start the dishwasher if I need to. Sweep and mop.
9:00-9:30-work out with the Wii
9:30-I shower. After I shower, Eric and I do our “Night Light” devotional. Then I go to bed as soon as I can…maybe by 10 or 10:30!
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