Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My Day

Beth recently wrote this post, and encouraged me to do the same.

My schedule (on good days, the past two days have been bad days, i.e. Eleri waking at 5:37am and then 5:45am today)

6:45am-Wake up, drink coffee and work on my bible study and quiet time. Get dressed if I have time.
7:30-8:00-Girls wake up. I cuddle with them both on the couch for a little bit. Change Eleri’s diaper.
8:30-make breakfast. Feed Eleri yogurt/oatmeal and “encourage” Mali to come eat.
After breakfast and by 9:00am-Eleri dressed, Mali encouraged to get dressed/brush hair/brush teeth. Leave the girls to play “together” while I go get dressed.
9:15ish-do some sort of chore. Cleaning up after breakfast, unloading dishwasher if Eleri isn’t around to climb on it, or starting laundry. Go to Wal-mart on Days we need to.
On THURSDAY-Rush to BSF (Bible Study) until 11am.
10:00-attempts to play/read/spend time with girls and simultaneously clean/pick up. Check mail and maybe spend time outside if the weather is nice like it has been lately.
11:00-lunch time. Get lunch made for girls and eat myself. Enjoy a nice, big glass of Dr. Pepper (or rather Dr. Thunder).
11:50-Tuesday, Weds, Thursday get girls rounded up and in the car.
12:00-leave the house to take Mali to preschool.
12:10-12:15-drop Mali off at preschool. Sometimes take Eric his lunch he has forgotten.
SOMETIMES Eleri falls asleep in the car…this is a problem because she ends up not taking a good enough nap. So….
1-2pm- I clean the house and pick up if Eleri naps. If she doesn’t nap, I spend time trying to play with her and multitasking. We might even spend time outside.
2:45-get Eleri in the car to go to preschool.
3:10-pick up Mali!!!! Come home and give the girls a snack. Spend some time talking to Eric if he happens to come home between school and practice.
3:45-About two days a week, a babysitter will come and I will go see a client until 4:45pm. Also, if Eric has in town games we go to these at 4:00 once a week.
5:00-start making dinner.
5:30-eat dinner. We eat SOOOO early, Eleri would really eat at 4:30 if I would let her.
6:00-right after dinner, I take the girls straight to the bath. I let them play for a while in the bath. After bath, we lotion, dress and brush teeth.
6:30-7:30ish-playing and having fun as a family. If the girls are playing together I might go clean up the kitchen.
7:30-7:45-rock Eleri to sleep.
8:00-Spend time with Mali cuddling on the couch or helping her pick up her room.
8:30-Read books to Mali and then it is Mali’s bedtime.
8:45-9:00-clean up the kitchen. I “shine my sink” and start the dishwasher if I need to. Sweep and mop.
9:00-9:30-work out with the Wii
9:30-I shower. After I shower, Eric and I do our “Night Light” devotional. Then I go to bed as soon as I can…maybe by 10 or 10:30!

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