These are several new things that I'm trying. God has graciously placed people and ideas in my life to help me, hopefully, be a better manager of our home. Before children, my house was spotless, in fact my co-workers at Buckner used to give me a hard time about this and I remember little "talks" with roommates about dishes being left in the sink. Really? Now dishes are never not left in the sick. I even slid on through keeping a clean house during Mali's first few years of life, but now that has all changed. I cannot do it and cannot even manage it, so I'm having to not rely on my own disciplined self and time, but to be strategic because life is not what it used to be. So, these are things I'm learning and trying:
After I put the girls to bed, I'm cleaning the kitchen up, sweeping, mopping, loading and unloading the dishwasher every night.
Shining my sink (i.e. cleaning the kitchen sink) each night
Writing on a menu board what is for dinner
One load of laundry a day
Setting the timer for 15 minutes often throughout the day, for reading my bible/praying, picking up, getting ready, etc.
Wiping down our bathroom every morning after I get ready.
Reminding myself in my head what I've accomplished not what I haven't accomplished.
Listening to God's truth of who I am and not Satan's lies about my failures
Cleaning out my car every Friday
We'll see how it goes, but at least these things are helping me feel successful and having my home under control. I love rules, structure and boundaries. It's really the only way I'm effective.
I feel exactly the same, it was way worse when I was working full-time too, but now, I decided to dedicate one day to each room or section of the I don't get overwhelmed with the deep cleaning, and don't get discouraged. Of course I still always have to pick up and do the dishes etc., but at least I can rest, knowing the floor can be mopped on it's day, or if I have time on another day I can....maybe that will be worth a try too!